This has been the week of devastation in my personal tech realm that resulted in a new start.
First Twitter throttled my old handle (@therealemmariot) so I started up a brand new one that could get a little traction (@riot_emma). It's been wild, seeing the difference between a throttled account with 4000 followers versus an uncensored account with <100 followers - the new one is already streets ahead in terms of engagement. In order to keep from Twitter throttling my engagement, I'm going to have to be more careful about what kind of content I post on Twitter. From what I've gathered so far, they don't really like dildos, especially attached to a person, or any links to OnlyFans. This kind of defeats the whole purpose of using Twitter to promote business, but whatever, I'll work around it by redirecting through my website. Then my laptop started overheating on the regular, which was progressively getting worse and worse, so I moved everything off of it (20,000 files - holy shit!) and reset to factory settings. That seems to have mostly dealt with the problem for now, so I've at least bought myself some time on that front. In setting my laptop back up again I've gone ahead and switched over to a couple simple better security options. I've switched browsers away from Chrome to one that blocks ads and trackers and has an option to use Tor (mega-security, super lockdown browsing!). And moving forward I'm storing all my important stuff on external drives, in part to prevent the overheating issue and in part to keep everything more secure. On top of that, I also somehow found time this week to start spewing out into an online space about a new venture I've had rattling around in my brain, so that's been fun. I'm not committed to following through (yet), but it's been really rewarding to use my business juices to build something new! All in all, a dynamic week, that feels a lot like new growth after a fire. Like a phoenix, I rise from the ashes. Comments are closed.
By Emma RiotThese writings are shared for public access; please attribute to this link and cite author as Emma Riot if republishing this work elsewhere. Archive
May 2024